Send me 25 bucks and I’ll mail you a secret report… (just kidding) 🙂.
As a matter of fact I don’t know, though there were rumors circulating in Cuba at the time she visited him for some interviews. Some twenty years later, Barbara told a reporter that “I did an interview with Fidel Castro–that was exciting. Which makes me think that her relationship with Castro was a Platonic one. Anyway, if it had any sexual content, I’m sure it was not worth the risk. If one is to believe Carlos Franqui, Castro’s biographer, when Castro has any heterosexual sex, it seems it is not for the pleasure of it.
Carlos Franqui claims that some women with whom Castro have had sex, call him “mal palo” (literally “lousy fuck”). He makes love, they say, as if he was peeing, with his boots on, fast and without any intimacy, with his bodyguards listening behind the door.
Barbara Walters tells about her interview with Castro in Melisa Gerosa, “Who Fascinated Barbara Most,” Ladies’ Home Journal , April 1966, 130; Barbara Walters’ interview with Castro in “Fidel Speaks: An Interview with Barbara WAlters,” ABC special, June 9, 1977; Castro as sloppy lover in Carlos Franqui, Vida, aventuras y desastres de un hombre llamado Castro . Barcelona: Planeta, 1988, 265, 304.
Is it true that he’s building a nuclear bomb?
Not exactly. A few years ago Fidel told Col. del Pino that he doesn’t need a nuclear bomb in order to have nuclear capability. That’s seems the classical riddle inside and enigma, but it is not. At least, not to me.
I don’t want you to take me for a doomsday alarmist, but I always keep my car ready, with a full tank, and plenty of extra gas in the trunk. I’m keeping my ears open and, as soon as I hear the news from Cuba, I’ll hit the road and I’m not going to stop until Anchorage, Alaska. For me, the question is not about IF Castro is building a nuclear device, but about WHEN is he going to detonate it.
As Herbert Matthews said, of all American enemies Fidel is the one who can give us more bang for the buck. (Well, Matthews didn’t use exactly those words, but that the spirit of the letter).
HINT: What I’ll tell you will make the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to set their nuclear clock a lot closer to midnight!
Was he involved in the Kennedy assassination?
When Lyndon B. Johnson heard the news about the assassination of President Kennedy, he exclaimed: Kennedy was trying to get Castro, but Castro got him first…. It will come out someday.
It seems that LBJ was not alone. Notwithstanding the combined efforts of many American Liberals and Leftists, the maninstream media, and the CIA (strange bedfellows!), in focusing the attention of gullible Americans to other directions, there are many people who still think that Fidel had something to do with the assassination of President Kennedy.
However, more than 2,000 books and articles have been published about the Kennedy assassination, but none of them points to the most logical suspect: Fidel Castro. Well, it took some time, it finally came out. The book is Live by the Sword, and was written by Gus Russo, a well-known researcher and investigative reporter.
IF you are really interest in the subject, AND you are not a pro-Kennedy bleeding-heart Liberal, NOR a Camelot bullshitter, AND you are not faint at heart, I highly encourage you to take a look ar Russo’s book. Just by chance I found the book las December, and it grabbed me from the very beginning. In his book Russo proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Castro was the hidden hand behind the assassination. As a byproduct, you can also learn some nasty things about the Kennedy brothers. The book is extensively and painstakingly documented, bringing out recently declassified information previously unknown and re-interpreting old information that was either considered unimportant or grossly misinterpreted.
I think this is the book all Americans must read, even if this is the only book they will read this year. It gives the reader an insightful vision of Castro’s convoluted mind, the Kennedy’s lack of moral principles and their nocive influence in today’s America, and shows the true reasons why nobody before tried to see the obvious.
If you have problems finding it at your favorite bookstore, because I’ve heard rumors that some people who want to keep you in the dark have been actively boycotting it, you can buy the book directly from the publisher, Bancroft Press, P.O. Box 65360, Baltimore, MD 21209. (410) 358-0658. Or you can order it directly from their web site at:
You may also want to read at the Bancroft Press site the rave reviews Live by the Sword is getting.
If you decide to try the above hypertextual link, keep in mind that by clicking on the left arrow of your browser you can come back right to this page.
Why does Dan Rather love Castro so much?
This is an old story, but I think I know why you are asking this question. You surely have seen Dan linterviewing Castro in Havana (“The Last Revolutionary,” and interview of Fidel Castro with Dan Rather, CBS July 18, 1996). It was evident that Dan was extremely happy in the company of his friend Fidel.
The reasons why Dan Rather loves Fidel Castro so much are many. First of all, Castro is anti-American (well…he says he is anti-American), and card-carrying American liberals love American-haters; secondly, Castro is a mucho-macho man, and he exerts a particular attraction on certain types of people; finally, Castro and Rather are colleagues, and they highly respect each other professionally: Both of them have been in the bullshitting business for more than thirty years.
Keep in mind that thirty years ago, Dan Rather, at the time an obscure reporter, was one of the few reporters allowed to watch the Zapruder film and he saw Kennedy’s head snap in the right direction. Well, it was not in the right direction according to what the film shows, but it was in the right direction for Dan’s career: It was exactly the kind of crap the Warren Commission was looking for. Not surprisingly, after his “accurate” report on the Zapruder film, Dan Rather was catapulted to national preeminence. Definitely, Dan has a keen intuition for knowing which side the bread is buttered!
In Latin America people say that “a los periodistas se les paga o se les pega” (journalists: you buy them or you kick them). Fidel Castro’s approach is kicking their asses. The American way is buying them. The result, however, is exactly the same. Why do you think Dan Rather is getting such a fat paycheck from CBS?
Both Dan and Fidel are compulsive liars. So, I was very surprised when, at least once, Fidel told the truth. Dan told Fidel that some people believed he is like Stalin. Fidel answer was: “No, I’m not like Stalin.” He was right. Castro is not like Stalin; he’s like Hitler!